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Pak choi and other Japanese vegetables

Pak choi and other Japanese vegetables . Surely you have been seeing our beloved pak choi, Chinese cabbage, in your supermarket for a long time. It is very common in Asian cuisine and oriental stores. Thanks to its easy digestion and numerous benefits for our health, pak choi is becoming a super popular vegetable that …

Cook seafood

10 tips to make the purchase well

If you have just landed in this post, you already have a earned point, surely you have researched on the internet and have come to these tips, or out of curiosity you have said to yourself, ” Surely some idea of ​​the chubby will come in luxury “. Try to keep 2 or 3 points …

Italian sauces to accompany the pasta

Learn to cook. Tips to get started

Learn to cook from scratch. According to the study Kitchen: attitudes and time that consumers spend in it , from GFK. “We Spaniards dedicate an average of 6 hours and 20 minutes a week to cooking. 51.6% cook even four or fewer hours a week. ” You see, 4 hours spread over 7 days … …

How to cook vegetables correctly

Risotto. History, curiosities and our best recipes

The Italian risotto. Origin, history and curiosities of the universal Italian recipe. The risotto is one of the most internationally known Italian dishes. Almost as much as pasta ! In fact, we could say that in the country of the boot, risotto is served as a first course , as an alternative to pasta or …

How to pretend to be a wine expert

Broken or crashed eggs. Origin and recipes

The history of broken or crashed eggs. Its origin Broken eggs with ham , with sirloin, with chorizo , with chistorra , with gulas or without accompaniment. Broken eggs are, without a doubt, one of the star dishes in all of Spain. However, despite being popular throughout our geography , it seems that we find …

Galician coat

Steam cooking. Advantages, tricks and tips.

Steam cooking . What is it? How to do it? Benefits of this cooking technique. If you are a master of cooking, perfect. But if you are just starting out in this cooking, get ready, because you just found your ace up your sleeve. Steam cooking will be your ally. Spoiler alert, food does not …

How to pretend to be a wine expert

Cooking techniques. Types of culinary techniques

Culinary techniques you should know to cook yummy. Spherification, texturing, deconstructing, air, foam, liquid nitrogen … Without realizing it, we have introduced into our vocabulary an infinity of culinary techniques that were (and still are, in many cases) completely unknown to us, those of us who are not dedicated to cooking. on a professional way… …

Potatoes. Curiosities and how to keep them

Autumn vegetables

What are the vegetables that we recommend this Autumn? As I have already told you on occasion, eating seasonal food is key to your diet and your pocket. Currently we can find in the super of almost all the year, but what are really the foods that we should eat in each season of the …

Free downloadable

What to buy and eat in December? Seasonal food

The seasonal foods are healthier, cheaper and more environmentally friendly, but … what are at all times? In Rechupete Recipes we have made this downloadable so you know at a glance what are the fruits, vegetables and fish that are in season . December  is perfect to start with the vegetables (except for the tomatoes …