Showing 238 Result(s)
Rice. What you still don't know about him

To bread loaf. Types of bread

Bread bread, but which one? Breads and breadbaskets of the world, this entry is for you. Bread is one of the most basic foods we have (and the most irresistible) and they are part of our balanced diet, because despite what they count out there, bread in moderate doses does not make you fat. Of …

Southern hake from Chile

Bread. Tips for storing, freezing and roasting

Bread. Everything you need to store or save, freeze or toast. Bread is the most basic food that exists since time is time and also one of the most delicious to eat in any corner of the planet. Water, flour and salt (sometimes yeast ) is all that is needed for the miracle to shape …

What is curd. How to replace the curd

Fresh or powdered yeast. Differences and curiosities

Fresh or powdered yeast: differences and curiosities . They may seem the same to you but they are not . You may use them interchangeably to cook any recipe that needs them, but the reality is that each one has its particularities and that between them they are very different. The truth is that the …

Corvina. Benefits, properties and recipes

Do not throw food. Tips and tricks to take advantage of remains

Tricks not to throw food away. Kitchen of use of the whole life. There are many factors that influence food waste. The new family structures , single-person, single-parent, far from the nuclear families of four people, for example, generate more remains, and consequently more economic expenses. This is due, in part, to the rationalization of …

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What to buy and eat in April? Seasonal food and recipes

What should we buy in April? How to save in your shopping cart buying seasonal food? April is coming hard, spring is here and we can start enjoying some of some almost summer fruits, such as medlars. The vegetables Spring remain plentiful and very fresh, but take the opportunity to enjoy them to the maximum …

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What to buy and eat in March? Seasonal food and recipes

March  comes with changes, the garden is approaching spring and we begin to say goodbye to winter products such as artichokes, celery, red cabbage, endives, peas or beans. Dare to enjoy them! They are the last! The seasonal foods are healthier, cheaper and more environmentally friendly, but … what are at all times? In Rechupete …

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What to buy and eat in February? Seasonal food and recipes

The seasonal foods are healthier, cheaper and more environmentally friendly, but … what are at all times? In Rechupete Recipes we have made this free downloadable so you know at a glance what are the fruits, vegetables and fish that are in season. A healthy eating style is highly beneficial for our health and well-being. …

Pressure cooker, pressure and super fast. Our allies in the kitchen

Sets of pans with good value for money – Buying Guide 2020

The frying pans are an indispensable utensil in your kitchen since with them you make hundreds of recipes. Meats, vegetables, rice, eggs and tortillas, fish, pancakes … are used for almost anything. It must also be recognized that we do not usually treat them very well: we burn and scrape them, we keep them stacked, …