Broken eggs with chistorra
Meat and poultry Potato, sauce and side dishes Recipes Tapas and appetizer recipes

Broken eggs with chistorra

Broken eggs with chistorra


  • Half
  • 30 minutes
  • For 4 people
  • 1.1 € / person
  • 345kcal per 100g.
  • · ·

How to prepare some broken eggs with chistorra .

After the success of the recipe for broken eggs with ham,   I fell into the temptation with a variation.

Visiting Pamplona, ​​I couldn’t stop buying chistorra and preparing a small tribute to one of the most typical and traditional products of Navarra.

So this week some broken or crashed eggs have fallen with this delicacy. The previous recipe of this type presented you with gluttony,  broken eggs with gluttony , although the chistorra to some eggs or an omelette will not even paint.

A perfect recipe with a balanced mix of potatoes, eggs, onion and chistorra.

Despite its humble origin, this dish could not be easier. They are still fried eggs raised to their highest degree.

It has managed to gain a place among the best recipes in our kitchen, competing with broken eggs with hash or eggs with ham.

They say that the cook Lucio invented them, although we can already see them in Velázquez’s work “Vieja friendo eggs” or the letters sent by Lope De Vega to the Duke of Sessa. Either way, don’t you think it’s a fabulous dish?

Preparation of broken or crashed eggs with chistorra

  1. Peel the potatoes and wash them in cold water. We cut them into half centimeter slices, that is to say, baking potatoes.
  2. We can cut them into strips, the result is similar but less attractive when presenting the dish. We dry the potatoes with absorbent kitchen paper. We reserve.
  3. We put a very large frying pan on the fire with the extra virgin olive oil.
  4. Heat the oil, add a piece of potato and when bubbles come out, add the rest. Fry over medium heat for about 10-12 minutes.
  5. The potatoes should not be too crispy, nor cooked. We click them to know when they are in that midpoint.
  6. We remove the potatoes with a slotted spoon and drain them well. We salt and reserve in a source.
  7. We remove the oil from the pan, this oil can be used perfectly for other recipes.
  8. For this recipe we prepare the lightly caramelized onion with a little honey, very little. Just to give it a light sweet flavor.
  9. We have to peel them and cut them into very thin slices. In the same frying pan that we used to fry the potatoes we add a little olive oil. Always over low heat add all the onion.
  10. When we see that it begins to release water, we raise the temperature a little so that it browns.

Preparation of the chistorra and final presentation of the broken eggs

  1. We lower the heat and salt, stir with a wooden spoon for about 5 minutes and add 1 tablespoon of honey.
  2. We stir to caramelize. When we see that the honey is sticking to the onion we remove it to a plate.
  3. The key point of the recipe is in the eggs. Add to the same pan 1 tablespoon of oil from the potatoes.
  4. We fry the eggs without they finish curdling, they should not be very cooked (the yolk must be liquid).
  5. Add the onion and potatoes to the pan and break the eggs with a wooden spoon.
  6. We can only prepare the chistorra. We put a frying pan on the fire and without adding oil add the chistorra cut into pieces.
  7. We fry almost on the grill over low heat for 5 minutes, little by little you will see that the same sausage is releasing fat in which it is cooked.
  8. We remove from the pan and remove the excess fat with a little absorbent paper.
  9. We present these broken eggs on a large plate. Broken eggs as a base and pieces of chistorra on top.

This dish must be served immediately and very hot. I hope you like it. Bo provided!

Curiosities about la chistorra

  • In the contest we were able to taste this Navarrese delicacy. It was the Fiesta de la Txistorra, the Sixth edition of the Navarra Txistorra Competition (March 27, 2011).
  • The chistorra or txistorra has no secrets if it is of quality. It is a type of sausage made with the best fresh minced meat from pork (lean and bacon), garlic, salt and paprika (which gives it its characteristic red color) and is usually eaten fried or roasted.
  • What surprised me most was the level of participation, both by butchers registered for the contest and by those attending the Txistorra tasting in the Plaza de Alfredo Floristán (in the Bº de la Milagrosa).
  • In it, volunteers from Txoko del Carnicero were preparing rations with a glass of Navarra wine, it goes without saying that everything is delicious. Aupa Navarra and her txistorra !!
  • I leave you with a small summary in photos of the event and the winners.

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