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What to buy and eat in February? Seasonal food and recipes

The seasonal foods are healthier, cheaper and more environmentally friendly, but … what are at all times?

In Rechupete Recipes we have made this free downloadable so you know at a glance what are the fruits, vegetables and fish that are in season.

A healthy eating style is highly beneficial for our health and well-being. In addition, we help to contribute to the maintenance of sustainable agriculture and to protect the environment. You sign up?

February is still a very good month for vegetables, like all winter months. Citrus fruits are still in season but we can also start enjoying the first strawberries.

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In the fish market it is time to ask for sole, as its season begins. And we can also start cooking with mackerel, a very cheap, tasty and healthy fish.

Citrus fruits  at the beginning of the year are at their best. So take the opportunity to buy lemons, oranges … now it is the mandarins that are at their best and the first grapefruits are beginning to appear. Vitamin C to fight colds ! Convert citrus into a complement for breakfast, dessert or snack and fight colds naturally.

They are also rich in folic acid, minerals, calcium, magnesium, they are antioxidants, cardioprotectors, laxatives, diuretics, disinfectants, among many other properties. They are good for everything.

Good month for meat poultry Will effect ” January hill “? From now on it is a good time to buy pork and beef.

Fish such  as cod, sea bream, mackerel, lamprey season, salmon or trout will be in full swing at your fish shop. On the other hand, the time has come to say goodbye to various shellfish such as sea ox, spider crab or crab.

The cod enters with great force … you can see that Easter is coming and the recipes with this fish flood the internet. Go ahead and include it in your weekly menu.

What to eat in February?

We have plenty of greens and vegetables available, which are at their best during the cold months, the options are endless.  

Cauliflower has your leading role, low in calories, fat and sodium. Very rich in vitamin C and folic acid. Cheer up with her, on the blog we have this cauliflower gratin or these cod fritters that are to lick your fingers. Take advantage of its nutritional benefits.

Fennel is at its best, it has great digestive properties, rich in vitamin C, calcium and potassium. It can be used in salads, desserts and stews.

During the month of February, in addition to being the month where you start to taste all those cold cuts and meats that the pork offers us, the chorizos and ham will already be cured after the slaughter. And it is in Carnivals where the pig is the protagonist in many recipes. The consumption of turnip greens in my beloved Galicia and other vegetables to which the cold feels great.

One way to control spending this year is to buy well is to save. In yummy recipes we advise you so that your celebration does not disappoint the guests. Good, nice and cheap menus . Even with this one   with tips to make the purchase well .

And if you want to see many more options, don’t forget to visit our Carnival Recipes special . If you want to opt for ideas to overcome this initial stretch of the year, don’t miss the special of economic recipes and recipes with chicken .

Recipes with seasonal ingredients in February

Click on the ingredient that interests you to see all the recipes you can cook. You can also see which vegetables are in season in winter .

  • Fruits: Strawberries , kiwis ,  mandarin , lemon , orange , grapes, banana , lemons, turnip greens , pineapple , grapefruit, custard apple , avocado , apple , pear and persimmons.
  • Nuts : almonds , chestnuts and walnuts .
  • Vegetables: spinach , leeks , cauliflower , zucchini , red cabbage , broccoli, thistle, garlic, asparagus , peas, beans, beets, cucumber, leeks, carrots , celery , endive, chard, artichokes , turnip, cabbage , lettuce , squash , carrot , eggplant , green beans and endives.
  • Fish:  Eels, cod, sea bream, mackerel, shrimp, carp, halibut, lamprey, liba, sea bass, grouper, palometa, perch, salmon, shark and trout.
  • Seafood: cockles , shrimp, crawfish , crab , pink lobster, prawns , shrimp , mussels , oysters, barnacles and scallops .
  • Meats : Woodcock, ox, quail , maids, pheasant, chicken, liver, wild boar , hare, gizzards, cow, deer, suckling pig , rabbit , lamb , pheasant, chicken, pig , duck , turkey , partridge, chicken and veal .

In Rechupete Recipes we have made this downloadable for this month. This way you will know at a glance which fruits, vegetables and fish are in season during the month of February.

Download it, share it or print it. You can put it in your fridge, take it to the purchase or use it so that the children of the house learn about seasonal food.

Download What to buy and eat in February? Seasonal food and recipes

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You can easily share the free downloadable tummy with friends and family via email. You can also print them and keep them in a folder so they are always at hand in the kitchen, or put them in your fridge At Rechupete Recipes we like to make your life easier!

Tip: If you keep the printed sheets in laminated sleeves you will keep them safe from food stains and they will last you many years.

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