Vegetable pizza. How to make homemade pizza with vegetables
Recipes Salad and vegetable Tapas and appetizer recipes

Vegetable pizza. How to make homemade pizza with vegetables

Vegetable pizza. How to make homemade pizza with vegetables


  • Easy
  • 25 minutes
  • For 6 people
  • 0.6 € / person

One of the most successful pizzas at home is the one we prepare with seasonal vegetables .

In this case, mixing the sweet flavor of the red pepper and the onion, with the intensity of the eggplant and zucchini. On the blog you have several types of pizza, the 4-cheese pizza triumphs at all dinners, but the one we usually prepare is the healthiest, with just a touch of cheese, lots of vegetables and a homemade bread pizza crust.

Pizza is a dish that admits a great variety and combination of ingredients, so we can adapt it to the family’s taste. At home we are two and many times each part of the pizza goes with a type of ingredient, on the one hand those that I like and on the other those of my girl, so there are no problems and each one eats their perfect pizza .

With the vegetable there is no war possible, the base is an orgy of flavors that we both like. Making a vegetable pizza is a fun, colorful and original way to eat vegetables, as well as rich and nutritious.

Vegetable pizza is loaded with protein and vitamins, it can become a star dish both for those who want to eat well based on vegetables and for the little ones at home who always protest when they see something green.

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Preparation of the dough

Normally for pizza I usually use  the classic Italian pizza dough ,  although in this case I have used a mixture of 2 types of flour, organic strength flour and organic whole spelled flour. These two types will make the crust of our pizza almost professional.

  1. In a large bowl add the two types of flour. We leave about 2 tablespoons of flour separate to fatten the dough. With a spoon we make a hole in the center of the bowl and pour the yeast dissolved in the warm water. We stir with a wooden spoon from the center outwards and gradually mix with the flour.
  2. We add the extra virgin olive oil and the salt (it is important that the salt and the yeast do not come into direct contact to avoid problems in the fermentation process). We continue removing what begins to be the dough, for now it will be a sticky but firm mixture.
  3. We prepare the area where we are going to knead, for example the kitchen counter is perfect. We fill the area of ​​the counter with flour, remove the dough from the bowl and begin to work the dough with your hands. It is very important to refine the dough to make it more elastic and rise better. To refine it, you have to roll out the dough like a churro and twist it spirally several times. At the end we put together and knead again for about ten minutes. This is the trick that makes dough amazing.
  4. After those 10 minutes we can manipulate the dough more quickly, it will become elastic and homogeneous.
  5. We are turning the dough into a ball. We take the previous bowl and flour it. We introduce the dumpling into it. We cover the bowl with a cotton cloth for about 45 minutes-1 hour. To know the time that the dough should be left to rise, use the following trick: if you press it with a finger and the dough returns to its original position it will be ready to prepare.

Preparation of vegetable pizza

  1. We preheat our oven to 250º C.
  2. Sprinkle the counter with flour and roll out the dough so that it is fine enough so that when we bake it, it will be crisp. Add  the homemade fried tomato sauce  with a spoon, we must spread the entire surface leaving the edges without tomato, with a brush or with the same spoon, with circular movements. Sprinkle with the chopped oregano.
  3. We put the pizza base in the oven on the metal plate and lower the oven temperature to 180ºC. We want the tomato and oregano to be fixed to the base and at the same time get a crispy base similar to that of professional pizzas. We only leave it for 2-3 minutes, we take the pizza out of the oven and we go back up to the maximum temperature (250 ºC) for the final baking.
  4. The vegetables that we are going to use in this pizza are the ones that you like the most. The combination that I give you in this are the ones that I like, but use those that you prefer at home in the amount that you want, to the taste of the diner.
  5. Wash and cut the eggplant and zucchini into brunoise (small squares). Julienne the red onion and the red pepper. We reserve these ingredients in a large bowl to which we are going to add a splash of olive oil, salt and freshly ground black pepper.
  6. We distribute the vegetables on top of the base that we have just taken out of the oven and add the pieces of mozzarella cheese spread over the vegetables so that when it melts it is distributed through all the holes in the base. We finish by grating the Parmesan cheese, the contrast of the two cheeses, one soft and the other more powerful will be great.
  7. Bake at 230º C for about 5 minutes on top of the steel plate, or until you see that it is golden brown and the dough is crisp. If you do not have this type of iron you have to double the times, about 10-12 minutes in the middle tray with temperature up and down. Although the time will normally depend on your oven, the thickness you have given the dough and the amount of filling.
  8. Remove from the oven and add a dash of virgin olive oil to make it juicier. If you leave it for a few minutes on a rack, the base will not be moist at all and will be more crisp.

And we already have a great vegetable pizza, even children who do not like vegetables will eat it without leaving even the crumbs. You just have to try it and you will tell me. Accompany it with a very cold beer or a good wine and enjoy your homemade pizza!

I encourage you to visit more recipes for tapas, snacks and pinchos  perfect for an unforgettable evening with yours. Perfect for a light dinner, a party or, yes, a delicious way to share food with friends and the people you love.

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