Oatmeal and kiwi cookies
Desserts and sweets

Oatmeal and kiwi cookies

Oatmeal and kiwi cookies


  • Easy
  • 60 minutes
  • For 10 people
  • € 0.3 / person
  • 290kcal per 100g.

How to make oatmeal cookies and kiwis .

I present you a recipe for very tasty, crispy cookies that also keep very well over the days.

Some cookies with fruit pieces, kiwis that are perfect to enjoy a healthy breakfast .

And it is that the first meal of the day is the one that provides us with the calories and nutrients that our body will need throughout the morning, so as not to feel tired or fatigued.

Today’s recipe is very simple, with a high percentage of oatmeal. From today you will not stop doing them yourself at home. The process is to combine all the ingredients at once, shape and bake.

You will have some very tasty cookies, very crispy and that also keep very well over the days. The crispy touch of the cookie is accompanied by that fresh flavor and with a “pica pica” that I love, kiwis .

Accompanied by a soft kiwi jam that you can use for these cookies or some bread toasts, a delicious contrast.

The oatmeal in one of these cookies will help you maintain a healthier and more balanced diet. We can substitute part of the oatmeal for muesli or even add pieces of dried fruit.

As you see a lot of options to enjoy healthy and very tasty cookies, delicious, you will tell me.

Preparation of oatmeal cookies and kiwis

  1. In a bowl, mix the butter in the ointment with the sugar and beat well until making a paste.
  2. Add the egg and beat well. We incorporate the rest of the ingredients: oats, cinnamon, flour, yeast and salt. Mix until you have a uniform paste, well distributed.
  3. We peel one of the kiwis. Cut the half into small pieces and introduce into the cream of the oatmeal cookies. We reserve the other half of the kiwi for the jam.
  4. We preheat the oven for 10 minutes at 190º C before baking the cookies.
  5. In a baking tray we put an oven paper and on it we distribute small portions of the cookie dough on the tray. We have to take into account that these cookies practically do not grow in baking. So you can make them in the way that you like, round or as in this case rectangular.
  6. Bake the cookies at 190º C with heat up, down and air. It will be 2 batches of about 20-22 minutes. Each oven is a world and can be 5 minutes up or down.
  7. We are pending until we see that they are slightly golden. If we see that they gild excessively on the sides, we put a little aluminum foil. Or directly those last few minutes of baking.
  8. We remove the cookies from the tray and transfer them to a rack where we leave them until they cool completely. About 15 cookies will come out that will last you perfectly 4 or 5 crispy days. Remember that they keep very well in a closed container, I hope they last more than a day.

Preparation of the Zespri Green kiwi jam

  1. To prepare the soft kiwi jam we just have to chop the Zespri Green kiwis and add them to a pan or casserole. We heat them over medium heat, and add a tablespoon of sugar.
  2. It will release water, cook for 5 to 10 minutes until the liquid is reduced a little. Let cool in the same pot until it hardens.
  3. We keep this jam in an airtight container. It will hold perfectly in the fridge for about 15 days, if it does not disappear … it is very good.
  4. Spread our oatmeal and kiwifruit cookies with a generous tablespoon of kiwifruit jam. A sure win, the whole family will love it, young and old. Triumph assured with this dessert so simple to prepare, they are delicious.
  5. These oatmeal cookies are perfect for your little ones to take as a snack. Even a balanced way to have breakfast, ideal to take to school or to eat at home with a large glass of milk. They will give you energy to last all day.

I hope you cheer up with them, try them and you will tell me.

I assure you that this recipe for oatmeal and kiwi cookies will not last long at home. They tend to evaporate from the plate mysteriously.

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