Corvina in sauce
Fish and seafood recipes

Corvina in sauce

Corvina in sauce


  • Easy
  • 45 minutes
  • For 4 people
  • 6.5 € / person
  • 280kcal per 100g.

How to make sea bass in sauce.

The sea bass is a fish that is slowly gaining ground in the fishmongers, because it has added to the catalog of fish produced in captivity.

A corvina is a fish with a tasty meat and a smooth texture. Getting it wild is tricky, especially for the price. To remedy this waste, we are fortunate that more economically affordable aquaculture croaker is also marketed.

Its versatility in cooking is enormous, so we can cook it in multiple ways: in stews such as the Peruvian Parihuela , in ceviche , baked, grilled, steamed, etc.

In this recipe I have prepared a delicious fish stew , with potatoes and a sauce based on vegetables.

A dish full of flavor, where you can take advantage of the soft texture of the corvina and never stop dipping bread in the sauce.

Other elaborations of the style, which you can find on the blog. They would be the traditional hake in green sauce , a monkfish in American sauce or this turbot in sauce , very simple and that cooks in a few minutes.

Preparation of the base of the corvina stew

  1. We start by processing the vegetables. Cut the onion in julienne strips, the bell peppers and the diced tomato.
  2. If you are garlic lovers, you can also add a couple of cloves, and chop it very fine.
  3. In a wide saucepan, pour a sheet of extra virgin olive oil, and fry the peppers.
  4. After a couple of minutes, add the onion and then the chopped tomato.
  5. Stir, salt to taste and cook for 10 minutes over medium / high heat.
  6. Once the vegetables are poached, we crush them with a mixer (or go through a mash). We want a thick and concentrated sauce.
  7. We pour the white wine, mix and cook 5 minutes, so that the alcohol evaporates. We continue adding the water (or fish fumet).
  8. Peel the potatoes. We cut them into half centimeter slices, and add them to the casserole.

Preparation of sea bass in sauce

  1. We cut the fish into ration portions, salt lightly and put them in the casserole.
  2. The sauce should cover all the ingredients, if not, add a little more water.
  3. Chop the fresh parsley and sprinkle in the sauce. Cover the casserole, and cook 15/20 minutes over medium / low heat.
  4. I put this interval since it will depend on the thickness of the fish and the hardness of the potatoes.
  5. When there are about 5 minutes left to finish the dish, try the sauce and rectify with salt if necessary.

We serve hot at the table. Accompany with artisan bread, with good crumbs, to sauté in the sauce.

You can see all the photos of the step by step recipe of corvina in sauce in this album.

Tips for a sea bass in sauce

  • Corvina can come in various sizes to fishmongers, and are generally large pieces (from 1.5 / 2 Kg.).
  • When starting the final part of the stew, the cooking time is somewhat relative. Take this into account depending on the hardness of the potatoes and the thickness of the portions of the croaker. Under normal conditions, 15 minutes would suffice. But I recommend you be aware of these final moments.
  • This dish is also perfect for taking a tupper to work, or even on a picnic.
  • This fish withstands preservation very well, and also the sauce will gain whole once we reheat it. What is important is a good bread to accompany this corvina in sauce.

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