Cod gratin with mayonnaise
Fish and seafood recipes

Cod gratin with mayonnaise

Cod gratin with mayonnaise


  • Easy
  • 40 minutes
  • For 4 people
  • € 4 / person
  • 340kcal per 100g.

How to prepare a cod gratin with mayonnaise.

With Easter already over, I can only recommend this fish recipe with one of my favorites, cod .

Yes, cod and Easter go together, it is the quintessential ingredient with traditional French toast and vigil stew .

This time I present and recommend a simple cod gratin with a touch of sesame . A dish where the oven works for us and the result is that of a master in the kitchen. I assure you that the guests will hallucinate with the combination of flavors.

The idea to prepare this recipe is based on Catalan cuisine where it is prepared in a very similar but not the same way, cod with mousselina de all i oli gratin .

The original recipe has a fried tomato base as the base of the dish, which is optional, you can always put it on. It also recalls the Portuguese gratin cod with mayonnaise, called Zé do Pipo , in honor of its creator.

A very nutritious, original recipe with a really delicious flavor. Who is encouraged to prepare it?

Before cooking. Cod

  1. In this case we have chosen salted cod loins with which we must previously desalinate them. We introduce them in water so that the loins are well covered.
  2. Previously we clean the bulk of the salt under the tap, we have desalinated them for 24 hours, changing the water every 8 hours.
  3. We keep the fish in the refrigerator at a temperature between 6 and 8º C, to avoid fermentation.
  4. Also inside the refrigerator there are no temperature fluctuations that could accelerate or delay desalting.

Cooking the cod and mashed potatoes

  1. The first thing is to lightly cook the cod. For this we put water to boil in a pot and cook it for a couple of minutes.
  2. We turn off the fire, remove it to a tray and let it temper.
  3. For the final preparation we remove the thorns and chop it into flakes.
  4. In another casserole, cook the potatoes with plenty of water and a little salt. Until they are very tender, since we are going to present them in the form of puree.
  5. While the potatoes are cooking, chop the onion and leek into brunoise, that is, into small cubes.
  6. Fry in a frying pan with extra virgin olive oil. Add a little salt.
  7. When the potatoes are well tender, we remove them from the heat and prepare the puree.
  8. For that we put them in the glass of the mixer. Add a tablespoon of butter, milk and season. We beat everything until it is a homogeneous paste and without lumps. We reserve.
  9. Next we add the cod in chips to the sauce and stir everything until the fish is completely mixed with the vegetables. We remove from the fire.

Gratin. Final presentation of cod

  1. Once we have the ingredients ready it is time for the presentation, which is very peculiar in this dish.
  2. We turn the oven on grill mode so that it heats up.
  3. In the center of the baking tray that we are going to use we place the scrambled eggs of cod and vegetables leaving space around.
  4. We cover the entire surface of the scramble with the mayonnaise and in the remaining space on the tray it is filled with small balls of mashed potatoes, made with the help of a pastry bag.
  5. This is the most striking aspect of the presentation of the dish, but if you do not have time or do not feel like it, you can place the puree with the help of a spoon.
  6. Finally we spread black olives as a decoration and put it in the oven to gratin.
  7. We leave it for 5-10 minutes, depending on the oven. Until the mayonnaise turns golden.
  8. Remove from the oven and serve without allowing to cool too much. The leftover mash is presented in a bowl to accompany the tray.

Cheer up with this recipe, I assure you that it will become a fixture in your kitchen.

You can see all the step-by-step photos of the gratin cod recipe in this album. Do not miss any detail and you will get a yummy cod.

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