Clams with potatoes. Seafood stew
Fish and seafood Recipes Soups, stews and legumes recipes

Clams with potatoes. Seafood stew

Clams with potatoes. Seafood stew


  • Easy
  • 60 minutes
  • For 6 people
  • € 4 / person
  • 295kcal per 100g.

How to prepare some clams with potatoes . At home we always want to eat from a spoon, no matter the date of the year, we are stews … like those stewed potatoes that my aunt made, just thinking about it makes my mouth water.

I am going to prepare a recipe with potatoes that takes away the cold and the penalties: ” clams with potatoes “, to warm up. I have entered through the front door and still do not feel my toes, but I already have everything I need to start cooking. It is a very simple and traditional stew. With basic ingredients.

Let’s see, cooking with good ingredients yes, but it is not necessary to empty your pocket to eat rich, varied and healthy, the same thing happens with clams, you have different classes, ranging from fine, slug, blonde and Japanese. Each with a size and price, choose according to your economy. In addition, the stews, only with the amount of time you spend in the casserole slowly cooking, are already taking bread and dipping.

So now you know, in chubby we bet on anti-crisis recipes, but with a lot of flavor and a good mood. I recommend eating them raw or grilled, clams a la marinera or with some noodles ,  a la malagueña , with some fabes , or perhaps the simplest, clams in white wine , we can serve them in cold dishes or cook them in the form of a stew such as recipe today.

The potato , this one does have to be rich. Ask the fruit bowl to give you a good one to cook. What I like most about this stew is putting the spoon with the steaming potato and feeling butter in your mouth. Just thinking about it already takes away the cold.

It is a dish that you can prepare for any gathering of friends, because it surely leaves you in a very good place. It will take you very little time to prepare it and so you have time to get ready and not get run over before receiving your guests. Of course, before serving, put it a few minutes over low heat and at the first boil, remove it and to the table.

Before cooking the clams

This recipe is very simple, although it is important to choose the main ingredient well:  clams .

  1. It is essential to remove the sand that clams usually bring so that it is not bothersome and does not spoil the recipe.
  2. It is convenient to have them about three hours before cooking them in a saucepan or large plastic container. We must add water, a good handful of coarse salt and change the water three or four times. The clams drink and usually drop a lot of sand, do not panic because it is a sign that the clam is of good quality.
  3. Try to buy the live clams and cook them the same day that you are going to have at the lunch or dinner that you are going to prepare. This way you take advantage of the good quality of the clam and at lunchtime it will be ready.
  4. We leave them in the fridge. When we go to cook them, drain them and wash them again. I advise you that when you are going to put them in the stew with the potatoes, those that do not open and those that are broken we will have to throw them away.

Preparation of the seafood stew

  1. We prepare the ingredients. We wash and chop the onions, cut the garlic into slices, peel and cut the potatoes into squares. Finally we wash and chop the red pepper into small squares.
  2. In a saucepan we put a generous stream of extra virgin olive oil. Add the onions so that they are poached. When they are transparent, add the garlic and let them sauté for a couple of minutes.
  3. Add the potatoes (choose a potato that is to be cooked, so that when eaten it will be like butter on the palate) and sprinkle a little fresh parsley. Pour in the white wine and sauté with the garlic and onion.

Preparation of clams with potatoes

  1. When the garlic turns golden, pour water until covered and let it cook over medium heat until the potato is tender, so that it can be easily pricked without breaking.
  2. Depending on the type of potato, the cooking time can last between 15 and 25 minutes. We must prove almost at the end that the potato is completely tender. Before adding the clams.
  3. Season to taste and, if necessary, add more hot water to the stew so that it does not dry out.
  4. Add the pepper and about 5 minutes later add the clams and saffron threads. We remove, correct the salt point if necessary.
  5. We let it continue to cook until the clams open and are on point. We don’t want more cooking than necessary, we don’t want to spoil the clams.
  6. Almost at the end, we add the chopped parsley and serve immediately with a lot of bread, the sauce is yummy.
  7. As we say with other stews, you can add other seafood or fish to your liking. I leave you with this simple seafood stew that you can enrich with cuttlefish, squid or mussels if you want.

A cheap, digestive and delicious recipe. This recipe, like so many others, is perfect for cooking for just one, for two or for the whole family.

Be sure to enjoy all the recipes for fish and seafood that we have on the blog. You can see all the photos of the step by step in the next album.

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