Chocolate and zucchini sponge cake
Desserts and sweets

Chocolate and zucchini sponge cake

Chocolate and zucchini sponge cake


  • Easy
  • 45 minutes
  • For 8 people
  • 0.8 € / person
  • 265kcal per 100g.

How to make zucchini and chocolate cake.

Now that we care more about our diet and look for healthy alternatives for the day to day.

We realize that eating better and with healthy ingredients does not have to be at odds with the flavor, and in desserts logically, too.

A good example is this oatmeal, cocoa and zucchini chocolate cake , very rich and healthy, what more can we ask for a snack?

The zucchini is not even noticeable so although it sounds strange in a sponge cake, in addition to vitamins, it adds creaminess to the mixture without affecting the flavor.

The cocoa cream topping is optional, the sponge cake itself is already very good even if we don’t add it. If we use it – since the idea is to prepare a sponge cake healthier than the traditional ones – the ideal would be to prepare our own homemade cocoa cream trying to reduce the amount of sugar.

Oatmeal is not found in all supermarkets, it is found in herbalists and specialty stores, but to make our own flour we only need oatmeal and a kitchen robot to crush them.

A few seconds at maximum power and a perfect flour will remain. In addition it is also cheaper. 

Preparation of zucchini and chocolate cake

  1. We preheat the oven to 180º C with heat up and down.
  2. In a large bowl mix the oatmeal with the yeast. Add the oat flakes and cocoa. Mix well and reserve.
  3. In another bowl we mix the oil, milk and vanilla. Stir with a spoon and reserve.
  4. In a large bowl, add the eggs and the panela. Beat with electric rods for 5-6 minutes until it doubles in size.
  5. We add to the beaten eggs the mixture of milk and oil, the grated or crushed zucchini (it is not necessary to peel it) and the mixture of oatmeal with cocoa that we had reserved.
  6. We mix by hand with smooth movements until all the ingredients are well integrated.
  7. We line the bottom of a mold with parchment paper for easy release.

Baking and final presentation of the cake

  1. Bake for 30 minutes at 180º. We puncture with a skewer or knife, if it comes out clean it will be ready.
  2. We allow to temper and remove from the mold, we can pass a blunt knife through the walls of the mold to help us.
  3. We cover the top of the cake with the cocoa cream. Optionally we can also cut it in half to add another layer of cocoa cream inside.

Here you can see all the photos of the step by step of this chocolate and zucchini cake . Do not miss any detail and it will be perfect for you, the little ones at home will not leave a crumb …

Tips for a perfect zucchini and chocolate cake.

  • If we beat the eggs with the panela in a container submerged in a water bath, the cake will be even more spongy.
  • If we do not use yeast we will have something more similar to a brownie than a sponge cake. It is also very good!
  • We can substitute cocoa cream for unsweetened peanut butter . Delicious! 

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