Chickpea stew with vegetables
Recipes Salad and vegetable Soups, stews and legumes recipes

Chickpea stew with vegetables

Chickpea stew with vegetables


  • Easy
  • 120 minutes
  • For 6 people
  • 1.4 € / person
  • 186kcal per 100g.

How to make a vegetable stew . Although the definition of stew is that of a recipe for vegetables and legumes. It is rare that, at home, we do not include among its ingredients some type of animal protein when we make porridge.

So, and as it could not be missed, today I bring you a recipe for 100 percent vegetable stew , a simple and super tasty chickpea and vegetable stew . Throughout the Spanish geography, there are multiple moments and traditions where stew is the protagonist.

Whether in Lent with the vigil stew , with spinach and cod, anywhere in the country, the stew or stew within the Canarian culture, the stew stew , eminently Galician, or the classic chickpeas with spinach , peas with chorizo ​​or beans with rice and Swiss chard , the stews are clearly part of our gastronomic history.

Today’s recipe is completely vegetable , but this is not a baseless recipe. A cooking of the chickpeas with a good broth and a good amount of vegetables cooked in that broth, will give this spoonful, all the flavor to get a first class recipe.

In this way, we will get a spoon dish of those that make us enjoy food without providing excess fat and therefore calories. It is a healthy and tasty recipe, perfect for both children and adults.

Before cooking. Preparation of chick peas

  1. One of the important steps is the choice of chickpeas, you have them as dry or cooked legumes and you can find various sizes.
  2. I like Castilian chickpeas of large size, spherical shape and a characteristic yellowish color. I recommend using dry chickpeas because they allow you to control the point of salt.
  3. The day before we put the chickpeas in lukewarm water with a teaspoon of bicarbonate or a handful of salt and we leave them to soak overnight, usually 12 hours.
  4. It is important to wash them afterwards to remove possible impurities and that you do not strain any spoiled chickpea that can spoil a tooth, I say this from experience.
  5. We will only have to drain and set aside until the time to prepare the stew.

Preparation of the chickpea and vegetable stew

  1. We begin to cook the chickpeas. To do this, in a large saucepan we put 1 peeled onion and cut in two, 5 peeled garlic cloves, 1 bay leaf, salt and a bunch of parsley. When the water begins to boil, add the drained chickpeas.
  2. We cook the chickpeas for 1 hour 30 minutes.
  3. While the chickpeas are cooking, in a frying pan we heat a splash of olive oil. Add the other onion cut into cubes and the remaining garlic cloves also chopped. We fry the vegetables for about 10 minutes.
  4. When the vegetable is soft, add the diced carrot and continue cooking for 10 more minutes, over low heat. Add the chopped leek and continue stir-frying the vegetables for 10 more minutes.
  5. Add the tomato sauce and season with salt and pepper. Let the ingredients integrate for about 5 minutes and turn off the heat.
  6. When 1 hour 30 minutes have passed from the chickpea cooking, add the vegetable sauce to the casserole, the chopped green beans and the spinach.
  7. We continue cooking the vegetables with the legumes for 1 more hour, or until we see that the chickpeas are tender.
  8. We serve this great stew very warm.

Tips for a potty stew

  • I have chosen seasonal vegetables for the preparation of this recipe, spinach, tomatoes, beans, carrots and leek.
  • Although we can adapt the recipe to our tastes or the products that we find in the market. The basis is to always have fresh and vintage ingredients and cook the vegetables with a good accompaniment.

Be sure to enjoy all the stews with or without legumes that you have on the blog. You can see all the photos of the step by step of this chickpea stew in this album.

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