Olives Varieties, types and benefits

Sustainable food and cooking

Sustainable cooking and food .

Sustainable : it can be maintained for a long time without depleting resources or causing serious damage to the environment.

This definition from the Royal Spanish Academy of Language makes this clear. Beyond sustainable ecology, sustainable economy, or sustainable development, there is also sustainable cuisine.

That cuisine that we can practice and with which we can contribute to a lesser or greater extent to economize our resources (food and economic) and to respect our planet .

Now, how do we make our kitchen sustainable? Well, from our appliances: we must choose appliances that are energy efficient, even with our planning.

A good planning and organizing the time to get in front of the kitchen … and even before! At the time of making our shopping list.

Environmental sustainability

  • Before throwing a food, think . It manages waste well, both organic and non-organic (plastics, paper and cardboard, glass …). Making a sustainable kitchen also involves sustaining our environment.
  • For that it is very necessary to have conscience , to know how expensive waste is. Not only for our pocket, which also, because throwing away food is throwing away our money, but for the health of the planet.
  • Recycling processes require significant investments , so collaborate with your grain of sand, separate organic and the rest of the packaging to contribute to a better conversion in the future.

Sustainability for your health

  • A balanced diet is one of the fundamental bases to achieve well-being. For this it is necessary to know what type of food our body needs, our rhythm of life, and assimilate healthy habits .
  • To make a sustainable kitchen in this aspect, good planning is again essential.
  • Include all the food groups in our diet and distribute them among all the meals of the day and among the seven days of the week.

Cultural sustainability

  • Our diet is directly linked to our cultural tradition . Gastronomy is a differentiating element between the different cultures of the world.
  • That is also something that we must take care of: maintaining our gastronomic identity is a form of sustainability.
  • Our flavors, our customs, define us . And our home, our kitchen, must have its own flavor , which remains in time, on the palates and in the hearts of those who enter and inhabit it.

Economic sustainability

Oh, our pocket! To this we do give importance, for the account that brings us. It is perhaps one of the aspects that we are most aware of when planning, cooking and consuming.

That is why it is very important to know how to buy, the right thing, what we really need, to prepare our weekly menus and thus avoid wasting food and money. 

Some tricks not to waste food

In Spain, about 7.7 million tons of food are wasted every year . In households, 42% of total food is wasted. And how does this translate? Well, each person throws about 35 kg of food in the trash every year.

But perhaps we understand it better speaking in money: each of us throws € 250 a year in food . According to the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food , what is most wasted in Spanish households are fruits, vegetables and vegetables (45% of uncooked products that we throw away each year), followed by dairy products (13%).

On the other hand, among the cooked foods, lentils , salads and omelette stand out as the foods that most end up in the garbage can.

On the blog you will find a special recipes for use , all perfect for not throwing away any food at home. Be as it has always been in the home of mothers and grandmothers. A family economy that has gradually been lost, a way of life that we have to recover.

We cannot forget all the recipes such as soups , creams and purees , meat- based dishes , legumes and rice .

It is very important that we all become aware and commit ourselves. For our good and for the good of the planet.

Follow responsible consumption! 

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