Pork tenderloin in cheese sauce
Meat and poultry recipes

Pork tenderloin in cheese sauce

Pork tenderloin in cheese sauce


  • Easy
  • 30 minutes
  • For 4 people
  • € 3 / person
  • 314kcal per 100g.

How to make a sirloin with cheese sauce . Cooking dishes that everyone likes at home does not have to be a synonym for a lot of work or too much expense.

We can prepare very simple meat recipes with easy-to-find and inexpensive ingredients, and get top-notch dishes. In my opinion, today’s recipe is a clear example, a classic roquefort pork tenderloin with potatoes .

On the one hand, the pork tenderloin, one of the tastiest and most tender parts of the pork, with a minimum amount of fat. Starting from this base, it is easy for any recipe we consider to be a success.

We can prepare this meat in multiple ways, from a Wellington sirloin to baking it in the traditional style accompanied with a garnish of ratatouille vegetables , going through grilling it and accompanying it with some type of homemade sauce.

Before starting with the pork tenderloins

  1. We clean the sirloins of possible remains of skin or fat that they may have and cut into rather thick medallions, 1.5 or 2 cm. thick.
  2. In a frying pan, heat 2 or 3 tablespoons of olive oil and sauté the seasoned meat. I prefer not to cook it too much since it could stay hard, it will continue cooking later with the sauce. We reserve.
  3. The choice of potatoes is essential, as this dish wants to go well accompanied.
  4. Potatoes are not all the same for frying, it depends on the amount of starch they contain. In supermarkets they already sell special potatoes for frying. I recommend an old Galician potato if possible, the new ones have a lot of starch.
  5. Peel the potatoes and chop them in a bakery (in thin slices), in sticks (in long strips) or in quarters, choose the size that you like the most.
  6. We must try to make them all more or less the same, especially thick, so that they are made equally.
  7. Then we wash them well in a bowl until cold water to remove the starch for about 5 minutes and dry with a cotton cloth. We reserve.

Preparation of pork tenderloins in cheese sauce

  1. In the same pan where we have cooked the meat, to take advantage of the juices, add the cream. When it begins to boil add the crumbled Roquefort cheese and the cognac.
  2. Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly for 3 or 4 minutes, until the cheese has melted.
  3. We incorporate the meat that we have reserved.
  4. Stew for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally, until the sauce has concentrated with all the juices and flavors.
  5. At the same time that we prepare the meat (even a little earlier, since it takes a little longer) in another pan.
  6. We heat extra virgin olive oil and begin to fry the potatoes that we have reserved.
  7. We must cook them over low heat for about 15 minutes, after that time we raise the temperature to the maximum, at about 180º C, and fry it until they are golden brown, watching so that they do not burn.
  8. In this way we will create a crispy layer with which we will get perfect potato chips. constantly so they don’t burn.
  9. We serve the sirloins very hot. For the plating, we serve with the fried potatoes in cubes or in strips, we sauce on top, to the taste of each one.

As you can see, it is a fast, simple and full of flavor dish. As they say about toma pan y moja, a recipe for yummy.

You can see all the photos of the step by step in the next album.  

Tips for some fillet steaks

  • I recommend you accompany the roast with the most useful and used garnish in our country, potatoes . Whether a grilled Jamie Oliver style potatoes , whether  fries , stewed potatoes potatoes to the oven , potatoes importance   or just a mash .
  • If you like this type of meat, you can find a lot of sirloin recipes that are sure to succeed at home.
  • Today’s recipe will allow us to enjoy this tasty meat in the easiest way, it is about marking it on the grill and giving it one last stroke of heat along with a Roquefort sauce accompanied by some simple and great fried potatoes.
  • I have to admit that I like this particular sauce as a good lover of all kinds of cheese that I am. As long as the sauce is not so loaded with cheese that it masks the meat flavor.
  • So the amount of cheese is not excessive, just enough so that it provides the unmistakable touch of flavor of this cheese. Thus we accompany the meat without hiding a good product cooked to the point.
  • Potatoes are an easy and successful resource to perfectly accompany this recipe. Enjoy its sweet taste!

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