Pasta with apple and lemon curry
Pasta recipes

Pasta with apple and lemon curry

Pasta with apple and lemon curry


  • Easy
  • 20 minutes
  • For 4 people
  • 0.5 € / person
  • 205kcal per 100g.

How to make a curry pasta recipe. Today we are going to prepare a pasta recipe that is super good with very few ingredients.

Today we make pasta with apple and lemon curry . It is a perfect recipe to take to the taper to work , one of those that are prepared in 20 minutes and that will be the envy of our colleagues. We prepare a curry sauce in which, in addition to the intense and particular flavor of this spice.

We will find the softness and sweetness of apple and coconut milk to lower the intensity and give it a different touch. A slightly softer curry sauce than the one we made for our chicken curry , but just as good. We finish dressing the sauce with a little lemon to get a complete contrast of flavors.

In this vegetarian recipe, we will not miss the meat to give forcefulness and flavor to the dish. We get a complete and light dish, full of flavor, combining different and original ingredients that together are delicious.

Preparation of the pasta with apple and lemon curry

  1. To prepare the sauce we start by preparing the vegetables. We wash the leek and cut it into small cubes, leaving a part in strips for decoration.
  2. Heat 2 tablespoons of oil in a small frying pan and sauté the leek in strips until it is toasted. We reserve.
  3. In a large skillet, heat a dash of extra virgin olive oil and add the diced leek.
  4. We peel and core the apples and cut them into cubes. Squeeze the half lemon and sprinkle on the apples, let them rest for 5 minutes so that the acid flavor is caught.
  5. While the apple is impregnated with the lemon flavor, fry the leek at medium temperature, until it is soft.
  6. Add the apples to the leeks and cook for 2 minutes.
  7. Add the curry, stir well so that it integrates with the rest of the ingredients and let it cook for 1 minute. At this point we add the coconut milk and cook 10 minutes over low heat. We salt the sauce.

Tips for a fluffy paste

  • We cook the pasta following the manufacturer’s instructions, drain it and add it to the pan with the sauce. We turn off the heat and mix well before serving. We put a touch of freshly ground black pepper on top and serve it to the table.
  • It is a nutritious and very tasty pasta dish that can perfectly be a unique dish, complete and healthy.
  • It also serves as a chilly side dish for a barbecue dinner. In a quick and simple way we can enjoy a different and original pasta dish, as simple as it is tasty.
  • You will find other super easy and original pasta dishes on the blog. A little to vary your weekly menus and get a little out of the traditional bolognese tagliatelle   or carbonara noodles . 
  • You can see all the step by step photos of this curry pasta recipe in this album.


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