Grilled Ribs
Meat and poultry recipes

Grilled Ribs

Grilled Ribs


  • Easy
  • 180 minutes
  • For 4 people
  • 3.5 € / person
  • 305kcal per 100g.

How to make roasted and candied ribs . Today I propose you a delicious meat recipe , where you will get some tender and very tasty roasted pork ribs.

At home we have an absolute devotion to pork, and specifically to ribs. It bears witness to the variety of recipes with this piece of meat, from BBQ ribs to the stew ribs with potatoes from my mother. You will find dressings for baked ribs or even delicious garlic ribs .

The oil-confit technique was already used as a method of food preservation in ancient times. Over time, it has become a widely used technique in gastronomy to cook certain foods. In the case of meats, it is perfect for those that are characterized by their fibrous texture. With this method, the meat is tender and incredibly sweet.

Also, if you have children at home, I guarantee that they will love it. Both for its flavor and the texture of the meat. You can already forget about the balls in your mouth. With this technique it will be much easier to eat and enjoy. If you want to keep canned, use a jar with a good closure, so that the food is perfectly sealed.

When you want to use it again you can give it a pass through the pan and that’s it. In this case, it will not be necessary to add much oil, because the meat itself will shed the fat in which it has been preserved. With one or two tablespoons of oil it would be more than enough. You will get one of those recipes that you will repeat at home over and over again. Absolutely yummy.

Preparation of roasted ribs

  1. To confit the ribs, we take out the rib and put it in a baking dish that is very deep.
  2. Add salt, black pepper, thyme, rosemary, bay leaf and cloves and fill the olive oil pan until it is well covered with the ribs. They must be totally submerged.
  3. We preheat the oven, up and down to 110 º C, about 10 minutes before putting it in the oven.
  4. We put it in the oven with heat up and down at 110 ° C. We will leave it for at least 3 hours or until the meat comes off easily from the bone, in my case the rib has been 3 and a half hours.
  5. When it is ready we remove it and strain the oil. We put the ribs in a baking dish and add a splash of the oil that we have strained.

Final baking and presentation of the ribs

  1. We correct the salt point if necessary and put the ribs so that they are finished roasting and are more crisp.
  2. We put it at 200 ° C with heat up and down until the rib takes on a tan tone.
  3. We take it out and serve it immediately accompanied by some fried potatoes or as I like, with some roasted peppers , if they are red, the better! A good salad is also great, your favorite.

This recipe for baked ribs can be done in a thousand ways, but if you prepare them according to the step by step they will be tender and juicy, with the meat coming off the bone.

Just yummy, don’t tell me you don’t fancy any. You try at home and you will surely repeat the recipe a few times.

You can see all the photos of the step by step in the next album.  

Tips for Roast Ribs of Yummy

  • Remember that the oil resulting from confit can be used for other elaborations, giving flavor to a lot of recipes. A luxury!
  • Although you think that the amount of oil is very high, do not put your hands on your head. I reuse the oil for subsequent frying.
  • I have a glass oil can where I strain this type of oil and use it for frying or stewing. It is also a luxury, because this oil is imbued with the flavors and aromas of the herbs in which the meat has been cooked and will give a fantastic touch to your stews.
  • I recommend you accompany the roast with the most useful and used garnish in our country, potatoes .
  • Whether French fries , some potatoes with gravy , boiled, fried potatoes , stewed potatoes potatoes to the oven , potatoes importance , stuffed potatoes , accompanied by salsa , in salad  or just a mashed potatoes , potatoes are easy and successful resource to perfectly accompany this recipe. Enjoy its sweet taste!
  • Be sure to enjoy all the recipes with meat that we have on the blog.


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