Pasta recipes Recipes seafood Salad recipes and vegetables

Gigli salad with tuna and anchovies

Gigli salad with tuna and anchovies


  • Easy
  • 25 minutes
  • For 4 people
  • € 1 / person
  • · ·

Go to a pasta salad recipe, as easy as going to Mercadona and buying capricci pasta (they call it Gigli, wheat semolina pasta with spinach, beets and cuttlefish ink) and some cans of tuna, anchovies, peas, corn and some imagination or whatever you find in the fridge. In this case, as the pasta is colored, they provide us with B vitamins, since vegetables such as spinach (green) and beets (salmon) are used in their preparation. If nothing is added, the paste turns raw (slightly yellowish).

I assure you that this recipe enters the eyes because it is a very colorful pasta and the sauce makes the salad something delicious and on top of that, like all salads, it does not have much trick, mix and eat. The most important thing in this salad is the pasta and the sauce.

Preparation of the Gigli paste

  1. Heat a liter of water for every 100 g of pasta in a large saucepan. The 100 g is the recommended measure per person, except if we are passionate about pasta.
  2. When it starts to boil add 2 generous handfuls of salt and a splash of oil. Next we add the Gigli paste. We stir with a wooden spoon so that the pasta does not stick and is loose.
  3. Once the 9 minutes have elapsed, drain the pasta immediately and pass it through cold water (to cut the cooking). With this process we will achieve what is called pasta “al dente” or at its right point, that is, it does not pass. It is easy to taste, inside a gigli it has to look like a string of raw pasta and when tasting it it is a bit hard.
  4. We spray it with a little olive oil and reserve for later.

Preparation of the salad:

  1. For the side of the salad, drain and mix the pasta with a small can of sweet corn, one of fine peas, another 2 of tuna in olive oil, 4 diced anchovies and the chopped white of 2 hard-boiled eggs.
  2. The Sauce: In 3 tablespoons of vinegar, we dissolve 1 tablespoon of sugar, another of mustard, a pinch of salt and pepper and add 9 tablespoons of olive oil at the end.
  3. We season the salad and serve.

Easy enough, right? Well, don’t doubt it is very good and you have dinner made for several days.

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