Chicken stew with pineapple, ginger and coriander.
Meat and poultry recipes

Chicken stew with pineapple, ginger and coriander.

Chicken stew with pineapple, ginger and coriander.


  • Easy
  • 60 minutes
  • For 6 people
  • 2.2 € / person

How to make a sweet and sour chicken stew . Compañeiros de la cocina, today I present you a homemade chicken stew made like a lifetime but with an Asian touch that will delight lovers of the fresh flavors and aromas of coriander and ginger.

In addition, the touch of pineapple gives it an impressive bittersweet flavor that I love in food, apart from this fruit lately I usually incorporate apple, pear, banana, peach or mango in my recipes.

This is one of the favorite casseroles at home and I hope it is also one of all of you. Those who have tried recipes that mix flavors I am sure you will dare with this, guaranteed success.

In any stew, the quality of the ingredients is essential for it to come out delicious and in this case I assure you that they are first-class since I just brought them after the Christmas holidays in Galicia: free-range chicken that is cared for by a friend of my mother’s in the village, onions and leeks from my father’s garden in the Ribeira Sacra area, white wine from the September harvest and house vinegar.

As for ginger, pineapple and coriander … it is going to be that they are not Galician, but give my father a few more years and he will surely introduce them into the garden … hehe. Because in Galicia you plant anything and it grows, it is incredible. I hope you like it and you will tell me, thanks in advance for your comments, I leave you with the recipe.

Preparation of the chicken stew with pineapple, ginger and coriander:

  1. When buying the chicken do not skimp on price, buy a good chicken, if it is from home better. Ask the butcher to cut it into regular pieces to make this stew. If it is not possible to buy the pieces of chicken that you like the most, stilts and wings are preferred at home.
  2. Season the chicken with the spices. We reserve.
  3. Peel the garlic and chop very finely.
  4. We add extra virgin olive oil Ilove oil to a saucepan of about 30 cm and not very high, it should not cover the entire surface. Heat the olive oil and add the garlic and chicken. We mark the chicken pieces until they are well browned, they will release part of the fat that the skin has and that will give the stew an unmistakable flavor. We remove the chicken on a plate and reserve.
  5. Peel and chop the onions and leek. We fry them in the same oil where we have browned the chicken for about 10 minutes over low heat.
  6. Add the chicken pieces and stir with the leek and poached onion, mixing well the flavors of the ingredients. We go up to high temperature and introduce the glass of white wine that we have chosen to drink with this recipe and the 2 tablespoons of vinegar. This stew is well worth a good white wine, do not skimp on the quality of the wine you cook with because it is one of the secrets for a 10-point stew to come out. We taste the sauce and rectify salt and pepper if necessary. Let it reduce a little by stirring so that the flavors come together well, about 10 minutes, the first 5 over high heat and the last 5 over medium heat.
  7. Peel the fresh ginger and grate it on the stew, the amount to taste, you can add it whole or only half. I love ginger of all shapes and colors, ground, crushed, grated or cut into large or small pieces. It will give this recipe a fresh flavor, a little spicy and a special aroma (I assure you that it is not the same flavor of cologne that it has when it is raw). Mix everything well with a spoon, mixing flavors.
  8. We add the pineapple slices cut into 6/8 pieces so that it is not uncomfortable at mealtime. We remove so that everything mixes and we cover with the glasses of water and the remaining pineapple juice until it is flush with the ingredients of the casserole.
  9. Stew over low heat until liquid is reduced and chicken is done (about 30-35 minutes). It is important that you stir from time to time so that it does not stick to the bottom of the pan.
  10. Chop the fresh coriander and just before serving add to the casserole.

We serve very hot and with a little bread because the sauce in this recipe is great. Take advantage.

I hope you like it and prepare it at home, as you can see is a recipe in which time and patience are going to be essential for the stew to come out delicious. If you can prepare it the day before, it will be even richer than just made (to heat it, use the same saucepan over very low heat, stirring occasionally).

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