Cherry pie. Cherry pie
Desserts and sweets

Cherry pie. Cherry pie

Cherry pie. Cherry pie


  • Half
  • 120 minutes
  • For 8 people
  • 0.7 € / person
  • 308kcal per 100g.

How to make a cherry pie or cherry pie. This dessert recipe is undoubtedly one of the emblematic desserts of the USA

On countless occasions we have seen movies in which the protagonists order a cherry pie at the roadside bar on duty and enjoy it as if it were the best delicacy.

This is the cake, juicy inside, with a filling that takes away the hiccups and crispy on the outside, with a special shortcrust pastry for this cake that you have to make yes or yes.

The truth is that this cake is one of those sweet that surprise. Despite the fact that the base of its filling is almost one hundred percent, cherries or pillory , the final texture does not remain at all type of jam. The fruit is cooked in the oven until bubbling, resulting in a totally yummy fruit syrup.

Although the filling is already a delight, this cake would not be at all how wonderful and rich it is, if it were not for the mass of its base. The texture and above all the flavor of this homemade shortcrust pastry in impressive ten.

You can find on the blog recipes with cherries that will surprise you. From this original cherry strudel , a classic cherry clafoutis or a traditional cherry cake . All yummy, I assure you.

I encourage you to get down to work with this cherry tart . It is a very simple cake that results in a delicious sweet that will let you stay as kings as soon as you share it with yours, a whole delicious dessert.

Preparation of the cherry or cherry filling

  1. We wash the cherries with plenty of water. We proceed to pit the cherries as you can see in this video.
  2. Once boneless we put them in a bowl and add the sugar. Stir well and let the fruit marinate for 8-12 hours so that it releases all its juice.
  3. I keep the cherries in the fridge during this process, so I make sure they are in perfect condition for the preparation of the cake. This way they will not ferment in the heat of the summer.
  4. Once we have the cherries or the pillors macerated with the sugar, we will see that they will have released enough juice.
  5. Add the seeds of the vanilla bean and the cornstarch. We stir well to integrate. We reserve.

Preparation of the dough for the base of the cake

  1. For this we must cut the butter, directly from the fridge, into squares. We put the chopped butter in a bowl.
  2. Add the flour, sugar and a pinch of salt. We begin to mix the ingredients to form a sand.
  3. Add the water and the lemon juice and continue mixing until you get a loose and homogeneous mass.
  4. With your hands we compact the dough into two parts, one for the base, larger, and one for the trellis.
  5. We wrap each of the portions in transparent film and keep the dough in the fridge for 1 hour. Until it has hardened.

Preparation of the cherry pie. Final presentation

  1. We place the dough from the base of the cake between two baking papers to be able to work it without danger of it sticking to the work surface or the roller.
  2. We stretch the dough until we have about 3 or 4 mm. of thickness.
  3. We place the dough in the chosen cake pan, in this case a ø 23 cm pan. keeping the bottom of the oven paper.
  4. This way we avoid sticking to the mold, it will not be necessary to grease the mold and it will facilitate the removal from the mold.
  5. We regularize the edges of the cake leaving the dough to protrude 0.5 cm. of the mold. Fill the cake with the filling and reserve.
  6. We spread the second piece of dough in the same way as the first. Once extended, we cut strips from 1 to 1.5 cm. Wide.
  7. We place 4 strips of the same direction on the cake. We continue with the strips that will be perpendicular, placing each one so that there is a lattice with the previous ones. In the video you can see clearly how to do it to make it perfect.
  8. We paint the surface of the cake with beaten egg and put it in the oven.
  9. With the oven previously heated to 190º C, we bake the cake with heat only from below, for 15 minutes.
  10. After this time we put the oven on top and bottom with heat and bake for 45 minutes.
  11. During baking, if we see that the cake is toasted excessively on top, we can cover it with aluminum foil.

Once the cake is ready, we remove it from the oven and let it cool, without unmolding, on a rack. Once cold we can unmold it and enjoy it.

You can see all the step by step photos of this cherry cake recipe  in this album. Do not miss any detail and it will be delicious

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