Baked pork loin with apple
Meat and poultry Recipes Recipes for special occasions

Baked pork loin with apple

Baked pork loin with apple


  • Half
  • 40 minutes
  • For 6 people
  • 2.4 € / person
  • 276kcal per 100g.

How to make baked pork loin with apple . When we have a lunch or dinner at home for several people, we always look for a recipe that is “fruitful”, with good flavor and that has a special touch.

The meat recipe today, pork loin with apple oven is one of the best options to succeed in the table. It is also economical, so it will fit us perfectly in a menu with several dishes. This is one of the roast beef dishes that triumphs at home, almost on par with my mother’s roast beef . On the blog you will find several pork tenderloin recipes with which to succeed, not only this one. The stuffed pork loin or pork roast are an option.

The pork loin is one of the two pieces of meat that are located under the ribs of the animal, next to the spine, with a cylindrical shape. We will find it fresh in any butcher shop, at a good price, about 4-5 € per kilo. It is a tender, tasty meat with a good texture and a very low fat content. After the sirloin, it is the part of the pig with more protein and less fat. This will influence when cooking it, to take advantage of its qualities to the fullest.

For the garnish, I have opted for the apple , a fruit that goes great with meat dishes. I have cooked it in the oven, resulting in a soft texture and an intense flavor. The chosen variety is the pippin , with a bittersweet flavor, which you will recognize for its large size, flattened and green / brown in color. Anyway, if you do not like the fruit or you cannot consume it. You can substitute it for some potato wedges, which we will grill together with the meat, watered with olive oil and with a touch of rosemary. Some substitutes at the height of the category of the dish.

Preparation of baked pork loin

  1. When we go to buy the pork loin, we will ask the butcher to remove the most outstanding areas of fat, keeping the noblest part of the piece.
  2. Once at home, season the loin to taste and pass it through flour, shaking the piece so that it does not carry excess flour. Pour abundant olive oil in a large deep frying pan, and over high heat, brown the loin on all sides.
  3. In this way we seal the meat and then it will be more tender inside. We reserve the meat for later, when it is time to cook with the vegetables.
  4. We choose a casserole so that then the whole loin enters us. We wash and chop the vegetables. Thinly sliced ​​carrot and julienned onion.
  5. We fry them over medium heat about 5 minutes, so that they soften. We salt to taste. Pour in the white wine and cook for 2-3 minutes so that the alcohol evaporates. Now add the meat stock (or water) and mix well.
  6. Put the piece of meat in the center of the casserole, cover and cook for 40 minutes over medium-low heat. When 20 minutes go, remember to turn the loin so that it cooks well on both sides.

Preparation of apples. Final presentation of baked pork loin

  1. At this point, after turning the meat, we start with the apples.
  2. We wash them well. We cut them into quarters and remove the heart. Again we chop, obtaining segments like those of an orange. We lightly impregnate them with butter and sprinkle sugar over them.
  3. We place them in a suitable source and bake about 15-20 minutes at 180º C, until we see that they are soft. The time you already know that it will vary a little according to the power of your oven.
  4. We return with the meat. After the cooking time, the meat will be tender. Remove it for a moment from the casserole, and crush well (with the mixer) until you get a homogeneous sauce. If you see it too loose, you can always leave the fire a little longer to thicken it.
  5. To serve at the table, take a large platter. We cut the loin into slices of about 3-4 cm., Accompanied by the roasted apple and a little sauce on top of the meat. The rest of the sauce will go to a sauce boat for those who want to repeat.

An easy dish, very successful and truly delicious. Here at home it has triumphed, and we also enjoy good artisan bread, with which we do not stop spitting in the sauce.

If you are few at home, adapt the amounts of meat and that’s it. For example for 2-3 people it will come with half a kilo, and ¾ for 4 people.

These types of meat preparations are great for when many of us get together. It is also a fairly cheap meat so that the food will not be very expensive, a great option.

This garnish is an idea, if you want you can accompany it with some Hasselback potatoes , some duchess potatoes or some grilled vegetables .

You can see all the photos of the step by step in the next album.

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