March comes with changes, the garden is approaching spring and we begin to say goodbye to winter products such as artichokes, celery, red cabbage, endives, peas or beans. Dare to enjoy them! They are the last!
The seasonal foods are healthier, cheaper and more environmentally friendly, but … what are at all times? In Rechupete Recipes we have made this downloadable so you know at a glance what are the fruits, vegetables and fish that are in season in March.
Download the PDF, share it or print it, you can put it in your fridge, take it to the shopping cart or use it so that the children of the house learn about seasonal food.

What are we going to find in March on the market?
Other winter products like chard , eggplant , broccoli , cauliflower , spinach, or green beans will still hold up a bit longer.
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At its best are zucchini , bell peppers , tomatoes or leeks , as well as out-of-season foods: garlic , lettuce , radishes or beets .
Of course we still have citrus with exceptional quality. Buy lemons, oranges and prepare the best juices of the year. Grapefruits are at their best and tangerines are already in short supply. Vitamin C butt! Convert citrus into a complement for breakfast, dessert or snack and fight colds naturally.
It is not a month with a lot of variety of fruits, but the strawberries are delicious and we can prepare them with cream or orange juice. Remember that the only fruit that does not have a season is the banana , from the Canary Islands to the Peninsula in optimal conditions. In these months that there are less fruits you can take advantage to remember this healthy fruit.
On the other hand, there is a lot of vegetables available, and the delicious wild asparagus are back in season. The novelties of the garden in this month of March are chives and new potatoes.

What to buy at the fishmonger in March?
Fish like cod becomes fashionable. The Easter is already there and recipes with cod are the order of the day. In the fish shop take advantage to order rooster , it has a very short season that will only last 2 months, and we can also enjoy tuna again.
Sole has a very short season: between March and April it is the best time of year for this fish. At its best we have the eel, cockles, mackerel and scallops. Lovers of sea bass, sea bream or scallops have the last opportunity in March to say goodbye.
The lamprey season has just started and from March until the cuckoo is singing, in the middle of April. This fish without scales or spines, with the appearance of a strange marine snake that is said to have been swimming in the waters of the planet for five hundred million years. And that fills all the restaurants in Galicia. It is a fish that you love or hate. Have you tried it?
What to eat in March?
During the month of March, the consumption of turnip greens in my beloved Galicia and other vegetables to which the cold feels great.
Do not forget to eat a turnip crem , a good Galician stew or the famous lacón con grelos . A balanced way to accompany this vegetable.
Hunting products disappear in the butcher shop. Although you can find your favorite meats that thanks to the work of producers and companies we always have on the market. Do not forget all the tips to make the purchase well .
Recipes with seasonal ingredients in March
Click on the ingredient that interests you to see all the recipes you can cook:
- Fruits: Strawberries , kiwis , mandarin , lemon , orange , banana , lemons, pineapple , grapefruit, avocado , apple , pear and persimmons.
- Vegetables: Swiss chard, garlic, aubergines, turnip greens , broccoli, onion, red cabbage, peas, spinach , leeks , cauliflower , zucchini , red cabbage , broccoli, thistle, garlic, asparagus , beans, cucumber, radishes, leeks, carrots , celery , artichokes , turnip, cabbage , lettuce , pumpkin , eggplant , green beans and endives.
- Fish: Eels, eel, cod, sea bream, mackerel, carp, lamprey, liba, sea bass, grouper, palometa, perch, salmon, shark and trout.
- Seafood: cockles , shrimp, Norway lobster , prawns , prawns , mussels , oysters, shrimp, barnacles and scallops .
- Meats : Woodcock, ox, quail , pheasant, chicken, liver, wild boar , hare, gizzards, cow, deer, suckling pig , rabbit , lamb , pheasant, chicken, pork , duck , turkey , partridge, chicken and veal .
In Rechupete Recipes we have made this downloadable for this month. Don’t forget to download it and share it with yours.
Download What to buy and eat in March? Seasonal food and recipes

You can easily share the free downloadable tummy with friends and family via email. You can also print them and keep them in a folder so they are always at hand in the kitchen, or put them in your fridge At Rechupete Recipes we like to make your life easier!
Tip: If you keep the printed sheets in laminated sleeves you will keep them safe from food stains and they will last you many years.