Chocolate dessert recipes Dessert and sweet recipes Learn to cook

How to make the perfect chocolate frosting or coating

How to make the perfect chocolate frosting or coating

people icon For 8 euro icon € 0.8 /pers. calories icon 391 kcal/100g


  • 50g. unsalted butter pomade
  • 300g. dark chocolate 80%
  • 1 cup of powdered sugar
  • 4 tablespoons boiling water

The sweet should be classified as the eighth wonder of the world. In the form of a cookie , cake , sponge cake … it doesn’t matter how it comes; Sweets drive almost all of us crazy. In sweet and dessert recipes , we can always add a little more touch of sweet to make what we prepare even richer and more delicious . Today we bring you to the blog one of those keys: the perfect chocolate glaze .

A good chocolate glaze can be a great addition to a lot of your baking recipes . At this time, taking it into account can be wonderful for those Christmas sweets , but it can be used for almost anything. In a Sacher cake , a delicious chestnut cake , a chocolate Christmas log , a traditional Easter cake , some simple chocolate palm trees or as a topping for donuts , an addition such as chocolate glaze will elevate our desserts one more level to enjoy to the fullest.

Of course, to prepare a good glaze you have to keep some things in mind. If we want it to look perfect, there are some tricks and tips that we should know when carrying it out. In today’s entry we are going to give you all the instructions to get that rich and delicious glaze that accompanies your favorite sweets and makes your recipes a little more chocolatey.

Preparation of the perfect glaze

  1. To prepare a good glaze, the first thing we will do is gather the separate ingredients and prepare the kitchen well. We place all the utensils that we are going to use in a comfortable layout and we prepare to get to work. We will have to chop the chocolate into ounces to use it.
  2. Once we are prepared, we heat a saucepan over low heat. In this, we will pour the chocolate with the butter until it melts. We will have to stir well to ensure that the ingredients are perfectly integrated.
  3. The next thing will be to sift the powdered sugar. This way we will achieve a perfect texture in our glaze. Once we have it, we add the sifted icing sugar to the butter and melted chocolate mixture.
  4. Now it’s time to beat the mixture. To achieve that texture we want, we will put water in another pot to heat, while we continue beating. Once it comes to a boil, we are going to add, using a soup spoon, small amounts of boiling water to the chocolate, until we achieve the texture we are looking for. If you see that it is too diluted, add more chocolate. For a lower thickness, increase the amount of water.
  5. When we have the desired temperature, all that remains is to spray the glaze directly from the pot on the sweet that we want, whether it is a sponge cake, a cake, cookies… Once we have the glaze on our sweet, we can distribute it with a spatula so that it is homogeneous or leave it as it is. What we do have to do is let it cool, and the time it takes will vary depending on the ambient temperature.

Here you have all the photos where I show how to prepare this recipe step by step . Don’t miss any details so that you get a perfect, delicious glaze.

Tips to get a yummy glaze

  • Once we have prepared it, it must be poured immediately. If we let it lose temperature, the texture will not be the same. If you don’t want to use it right away, you can cover the saucepan with plastic wrap and save it for later. You will have to dilute it again, but the result will not be the same. It is best to use it immediately.
  • You can decorate the glaze before it cools with colored sugars to make it more attractive. It will stick to your candy perfectly and give it a great outfit.
  • If you like mint, a very cool option to vary the glaze is to add half a teaspoon of mint extract to the mixture.

Some recipes to try the perfect chocolate glaze

On the blog we have a few recipes with which you can use chocolate glaze and they turn out great. We are going to leave you a few ideas for you to try, but do not hesitate to include them in the ones that occur to you .


If there is one thing we have on the old continent, it is  dessert recipes  with history, and the  Sachertorte  is one of them. It is a chocolate cake filled with apricot jam and covered with a dark chocolate glaze. Thus, a priori, it might seem that it is nothing out of the ordinary.

Cream cake. Boston Cream Pie

I leave you with this cake made up of a very spongy sponge cake with a  pastry cream  or  thick custard cream  in the middle. Culminated by a  chocolate coating  that drips and gives it that appetizing appearance. Do you dare to prepare it at home?

Chestnut and almond cake

This  cake  is a tribute to the chestnut growers, with a unique flavor that will make you think about repeating as soon as you try it. Chestnut lovers will already be thinking about what the recipe is like, but we assure you that it will also awaken passions among chocolate fans  .

Chocolate brownies

The dessert that we like the most at home, with a light crunchy layer on the outside and all the chocolate flavor inside, dense, juicy and deliciously addictive, I never tire of making them. This is the clearest example that more chocolate is always a good idea.

Homemade yogurt cake. The easiest of cakes

It is one of the easiest cakes to prepare and with a delicious result. It also allows a multitude of variations, you can use it as a base for different cakes or add pieces of fruit or nuts. And of course, take it as is, just as I present it to you here:  homemade yogurt cake . By adding a layer of chocolate , a simple recipe can rise to the Olympus of sweets.

Homemade Donuts

Nowadays,  donuts are the classic breakfast in the United States , and   they couldn’t be missing from our dessert recipes , these are the classics. Chocolate variations work great, and this frosting is the perfect example.

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