- Easy
- 120 minutes
- For 10 people
- 0.4 € / person
- 40kcal per 100g.
How to prepare a chicken broth at home
A homemade broth is for me a kind of luxury. It is perhaps the recipe with chicken that we take the most at home, either on a rainy day, as a quality first or as a perfect dinner to take on the sofa and watch a chapter of your favorite Netflix series.
It is undoubtedly a tasty restorative, it even serves as a resource to enrich our preparations in the kitchen. Do not think with this that I am talking about a difficult recipe with rare ingredients, not at all.
It is actually a super simple and traditional recipe that equals the classic roast chicken . There is nothing special apart from the fact of enjoying a comforting homemade dish.
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If you want something more powerful, almost like those flavor pills, you have the concentrated chicken broth recipe on the blog. A little more complicated, but very effective.
The recipe that I bring you today is that of the broth that my mother has always prepared, which in part gave us as if it were a broth , and in part reserved for other preparations. A recipe that takes me directly back to my childhood.

Preparation of chicken soup
- We put all the ingredients in a pot and cover it with the water. We have two options when considering making a good homemade chicken broth.
- We can use a traditional casserole or opt for modernity and use a fast pot or express pot. So we save a little time.
- If we use a fast pot we will let it cook at 3, once it rises to the second ring, for 20 minutes. We turn off and let it cool until it can be opened.
- If we opt for the traditional method. We cook all the ingredients in a saucepan for an hour and a half or two hours.
- Once the broth is ready we strain it and let it cool. Once it is very cold it will be when we can remove the fat that will have formed on its surface.
- This is a fairly light and low-fat broth, so we could delete this step.
- We can reserve the chicken meat for another preparation.
- Also use it crumbled inside the broth accompanied by some thin noodles in the form of soup.
An ace up your sleeve when you want to eat homemade and you know that you have pure gold in the freezer.
You can see in this step by step how to prepare this chicken broth recipe and that it turns out perfect.
Tips for a perfect chicken broth
- In many of the recipes we cook, especially stews and stews, including a good homemade broth among its ingredients can make the difference between a rich dish and a dish of yummy.
- So when I start to prepare a good homemade chicken broth, which I will then keep in vacuum jars or in the freezer.
- I know that I have a quality wardrobe for my day-to-day dishes. And that I will be able to go to my pantry and include a part of this broth in my stews and that will give them an unbeatable point.
- We can also store our chicken stock in containers to use in our stews. I usually freeze it in 250 ml jars. to have on hand for any preparation.