- Easy
- 240 minutes
- For 4 people
- € 18 / person
- 245kcal per 100g.
How to make a Batch Cooking for the month of February.
We continue with the healthy habit of proposing you a monthly Batch Cooking , last January , we have adapted the seasonal products of February , so that eating is as healthy as possible and also the purchase is well priced. Take advantage of the best of each moment.
February is still a very good month for vegetables, like all winter months. Citrus fruits are still in season but we can also start enjoying the first strawberries.
As for fish, we will find fish at their best such as sole, sea bass, and the mackerel season begins, a very economical, tasty and healthy fish.
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One way to control spending this year is to buy well is to save. In yummy recipes we advise you so that your celebration does not disappoint the guests. Good, nice and cheap menus. Even with this one with tips to make the purchase well .
Before starting batch cooking , some planning is necessary. An idea of organization of tasks could be:
- On Friday , in a free time we have, we plan the recipes, write them on paper and the same with the list of ingredients.
- On Saturday morning we go shopping. The best fresh products can be found in a market, and the rest of the ingredients are going to the supermarket.
- On Sunday morning (or Saturday afternoon if it suits us better), we get down to business and we are ready for the rest of the week.
This planning proposal is an idea, because then each one has his things and we will have to organize ourselves as best we can. The important thing is to be clear, to do things without haste and above all, not to procrastinate …

Preparation of the February Batch Cooking
I propose a series of first and second courses, which you can combine to your liking, and consume at lunch or dinner. Someday you may eat or dine away from home, but no problem, since this system is flexible. Another advantage of Batch Cooking.
For breakfasts and snacks, I recommend pieces of seasonal fruit, such as citrus, kiwi, bananas and the first strawberries. Unsweetened yogurts are a good complement, and if you add some nuts or red berries, you already have a delicious snack to start the day.

If you want to get involved in something more, you can prepare a banana bread or an orange cake for after-dinner and breakfast.

Other options that fit perfectly are the delicious allariz de Allariz or a tart from Santiago . They are easy to make and will last you several days in good condition.

Planning the weekly Batch Cooking
All recipes are on the Blog, with a detailed step by step, necessary ingredients and tips to cook them without complications. Anyway, to facilitate the task, I leave you at the end of the article the complete shopping list . All the necessary ingredients for the weekly menu that I propose below.
All this prepared in 4 hours. In my case, I prepared a recipe at the same time, which has been less time.
You can download our free menu planning template to write down our suggestions, print the shopping list and organize your meals better. It can be printed and put in the fridge with magnets so you can see it at all times.
I recommend a dinner recipe, usually lighter and a more forceful one. As long as it is … frozen, nothing is thrown away here.

Turnip cream
A very easy dish to make, inexpensive and with this seasonal vegetable so appreciated in Galicia. At the end of January and in February they are at their best.

Lubina in the oven
Since we have bought the weekend, the fish should be eaten on Monday. To take full advantage of its freshness. Sea bass is a very versatile fish in the kitchen, and this baked recipe is very simple.

Baked Cauliflower
This vegetable is not to the liking of many, especially children. But in this recipe, camouflaged with your favorite cheese and some spices, it will become a delicious dish.

Garlic Stewed Rabbit
Rabbit is a low-fat white meat, suitable for low calorie diets. In February we continue with the inertia of January, to eat as healthy and healthy as possible.

Picadillo soup
This chicken soup is very simple and cheap. Perfect for a first course or as dinner. If you cook it in the fast pot, it will be ready in 20 minutes. We just have to add the noodles at the last moment.

Meatballs in Madrid
A classic on home menus. With a good sauce to accompany an artisan bread and stop sucking. And if they are left over, to the freezer, they will always take us out of a hurry.
At this point in the week, we will put these two dishes in the freezer when we prepare them over the weekend. We remove them the day before (Wednesday morning) and they thaw in the fridge.

Pumpkin and curry cream
A cream of vegetables is always holy, and even more so if an unpleasant day fits us. Also, the touch of curry makes it even more delicious. This cream is one of my favorites.

Chickpea and Spinach
Legumes cannot be missing from our weekly menu. Dishes cooked over low heat and full of flavor. If you want to lighten it, you can do it without the pork sausages, or cook it only with the cured bacon. Keep in mind that we have to soak them for at least 12 hours, to have them ready on the day we go to cook them.

Artichokes with ham baked au gratin
At home we cannot be more fans of the artichoke, we eat them in every possible way. In addition to tasty and purifying, they are a very healthy food, a fixture on the menus this February.

Pickled Mackerel
The escabeche is a technique that allows us to cook and preserve food for several days. In this case I take advantage of mackerel, a very tasty, nutritious and healthy fish.
Tips for a perfect batch cooking
- Include in your weekly menu at least two types of vegetables to serve as a garnish and select 3 varieties of fruit that you like, to include in your preparations or for dessert.
- Seize the day. If you are using the oven to make a meat, you can put some vegetables in the lower part of the oven. Take advantage of all the resources using steam from one cooking to keep another hot.
- Plan to consume two spoon stews , a meat dish and two fish (or vice versa).
- Think of dishes that include the same base ingredients (tomato, peppers …) and use what is prepared on different menus. This also applies to legumes.
- Find out how many days the foods that make up your menu can be in the fridge and which ones you will have to freeze.
- Batch cooking combines legumes, vegetables and proteins . In this combination is difficulty and virtue.
- When storing, use stackable glass containers , to be able to reuse them. Vacuum packaging will also be a good option.
- Separate daily rations in lunch boxes so that you only have to heat them the day you are going to consume them.
- Some of the vegetables that hold up well in your fridge for several days are broccoli , cauliflower, or carrot.
- This practice will make you eat healthier and avoid snacking between meals or impulsive meals. Looking at it from any point of view, all are advantages.
Ingredients for February Batch Cooking
We have spent € 86.20 to buy these ingredients. But remember that it is for 4 people, 10 meals (5 dinners and 5 meals, and 2 biscuits for breakfast or snack). We do not include drinks, bread or fruit (would go to part).
- 1 bunch of turnip greens (or 500 g. Canned)
- 6 artichokes
- 1 chive
- 6 onions
- 3 kg of potatoes
- 4 leeks
- 2 garlic heads
- 1 large cauliflower
- 9 carrots
- 600 g. pumpkin
- 2 tomatoes
- 350 g. spinach
- 1 sprig of fresh parsley
- 2 lemons
- 1 mandarin
- 6 eggs
- 3 cheeses
- 100 g. cheese for gratin
- 200 g. grated cheese
- 700 ml. milk
- 1 liter of poultry stock
- 90 ml. apple cider vinegar
- 600 ml. white wine
- 100 g. wheat flour
- 50 g. breadcrumb
- 500 g. crushed natural tomato
- 120 g. noodle soup
- 500 g. Castilian chickpeas
- 100 g. Serrano ham
- 75 g. diced ham
- 1 rabbit of 1.5 Kg. (Chopped)
- Half chicken (500g. With carcass)
- 1 salted beef bone
- 250 g. chopped veal
- 250 g. minced pork
- 50 g. pork bacon
- 100 g. cured bacon
- 2 sausages
- 1 blood sausage
- 2 ration sea bass (500/600 g. Each)
- 4 mackerel (250 g. Each)
To season, season and flavor we will need a good number of ingredients, which I will set aside since you may already have most of them at home.
- Extra virgin olive oil
- Fine salt
- Wheat flour
- Black pepper
- Fresh thyme
- Fresh peppermint
- Dried oregano
- 2 bay leaves
- Paprika
- 4 g. curry powder
- Nutmeg
- Mayonnaise sauce