Coffee recipes Drink and cocktail recipes

How to make an espresso macchiato

How to make an espresso macchiato

people icon For 1 euro icon € 0.6 /pers. calories icon 58 kcal/100g


  • For an espresso macchiato or caffè macchiato:
  • Amount of quality coffee (variety or mixture that you like) 7 – 7.5 grams of pressed ground coffee
  • Machine water temperature 88 – 92º C
  • Water pressure 9 – 15 bar- atmospheres
  • Or an espresso capsule
  • Remember that an espresso has between 20-25 ml and, consequently, a double espresso has 40-50 ml
  • 15 ml. of whole milk to make the milk cream
  • For a latte macchiato:
  • 25 ml. espresso coffee
  • 100 ml. whole milk
  • Tall recipe glass (350 ml)
  • milk frother

Add a little milk foam on top of an espresso and you will get one of the simplest, but at the same time most delicious, versions of coffee. The main thing is to take the quantity into account, since the standard measurement is between 20-25 milliliters, although people are shocked when they see such a small amount, so it is advisable not to use very large cups.

How do you know if it is a real espresso?

The true espresso is 20 -25 ml or in the case of double espresso 40-50 ml together with the milk cream, but the final touch of an espresso macchiato is given by the milk foam.

What does Macchiato mean?  The literal translation from Italian is “stained.” In the case of a  latte macchiato , what gets stained is the milk, that is, first we add the hot milk with its foam and then the espresso. So it is usually served in a glass glass to be able to see that interesting mixture.

However, in the espresso macchiato or caffè macchiato , as it is called in Italy, what is stained is the espresso, first we pour the coffee and then the foam on top. So in the first we will find dark spots, while in the  espresso macchiato  they are white spots of foam.

Two tips to keep in mind.

  • The milk must be whole milk otherwise the texture and flavor will not be the same. Although if you have lactose intolerance, you can change it for a vegetable drink, it is not the same but it may work (it can also be creamed).
  • When preparing it, the ideal is to use a special coffee maker, you will notice the difference.

What is the ideal amount of foam in an espresso?

The amount added to an espresso is minimal, 10 to 50 ml, however, the perfect consistency for the foam is achieved from 200 ml. Therefore, in expresso or automatic coffee makers, it is very difficult to obtain it for such a small quantity. But what you should never do is reuse the foam, that is, what is called foaming twice.

There are several options to get it at home without resorting to coffee makers.

  • In the microwave , pour the desired amount of milk into a glass jar, stir it, and heat it at maximum power for approximately half a minute.
  • In the French press or manual milk frother, here we would do the opposite, we first heat the milk and then in the press glass, we raise and lower it until we get the foam.
  • With a creamer or electric milk frother. With this small device we will foam the milk in a very simple way. It can be used for hot and cold foaming and is very easy to use. Simply fill the container and let the machine do its job.

In any case, keep in mind that the temperature of the milk should never exceed 65ºC and the lighter and looser the foam, the better the result.

How to make a good espresso macchiato?

  1. We prepare the espresso as always. Remember that they are between 20 and 25 ml. But the important thing is to follow the instructions for your coffee maker.
  2. Next, we add the milk foam, the ideal is to add just half of the coffee we have added. Everyone has their own way of adding it, but I suggest putting it in the center little by little with a spoon.
  3. There are people who add a little hot milk, it will still be an espresso as long as the milk and foam do not exceed the amount of espresso, although due to its apparent volume much more. If what you want is a double espresso macchiato , just double the quantities and that’s it.
  4. Not suitable for purists of this preparation, but we can decorate with some chocolate shavings or a touch of chocolate powder, totally optional.

Another important issue, although it may seem silly, is which cup to drink it in. When choosing it, keep in mind that porcelain retains heat much more than glass, for example.

But what does espresso macchiato taste like?

A good espresso macchiato  is the first step for those who still can’t handle espresso, always without sugar. Although the fat in the milk foam is a great carrier of flavor and extracts many aromas from the espresso, it also modifies them. But what will undoubtedly make the difference in its flavor will be the type of espresso used.  

And the other option would be a latte macchiato.

It would be the complete opposite of the espresso macchiato. The creamed milk as the base of this preparation and the coffee that stains the milk. It is usually made in a large glass where we will make several layers. The preheated glass is first filled one third or one half full with creamed milk.

So the key to this drink is the speed at which the espresso is poured. A shot of Espresso (sometimes less) is poured very slowly over the steamed milk. Some baristas use the back of a spoon to spread and slow the flow, but most of it is simply poured into the center to create the point (“the point”) in the milk.

This pouring procedure creates the layered appearance of the latte macchiato. If poured properly, there should be a clear gradation of more compact creamed milk at the bottom of the cup and finally the layer of foam on top.

2 perfect options to enjoy your coffee. Which one do you like the most?

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