Recipes by occasion

20 recipes to eat decently when life doesn’t work for you

recipes to eat decently when life doesn't give you

Recipes for decent eating

There are seasons when life is thrown at us and it seems like we don’t get anywhere, right? Like when we have that peak of work and we leave the office late only to lose another one in the traffic jam, or when we are all sick at home and we spend the time between doses of apyretal and nasal washes with saline… I am sure that together we could give thousands of examples.

The first thing we usually sacrifice at these times is food . And if we have to put on and hang a washing machine at 9 at night, frankly, cooking is not among our priorities. We’ll order a pizza or have yogurt for dinner.

But at the same time we feel guilty because we know that food is health . And eating poorly during these seasons makes us feel worse. And at the same time we add even more stress. A whiting that bites its tail.

Because we’ve been there too, we’ve compiled these 20 quick, simple and healthy recipes that will help you eat decently even if you don’t get enough of it. And be very encouraged that everything passes .

Simple recipes for overflowing kitchens

The recipes that are on this list meet all of these requirements:

  • They use simple ingredients that we usually have at home.
  • Quick to make or you have to pay little attention to them.
  • They are prepared with simple cooking techniques.
  • They are delicious, you already have enough without making your food bitter too.
  • They are healthy. It’s not that they are useful for a weight loss diet, but you can eat them without feeling like you are destroying your health.
peas with ham

Peas with ham

This vegetable recipe, peas with ham, is healthy and can be prepared in just 5 minutes. One of those dishes for those who don’t have time to waste in the kitchen and say they don’t cook because delicious food takes time.

Gratin spinach recipe

Spinach Gratin

A recipe with fresh spinach that is very easy, healthy, and quick to prepare. I hope you like it and are encouraged to prepare it at home. You will not regret it!

Stirred of mushrooms

Scrambled mushrooms or mushrooms

To prepare this recipe, we will only need mushrooms, eggs, a little parsley and garlic. As you can see, it doesn’t require much, but the result is great. If you are dying to try this dish, rest assured: we will tell you how to prepare it.


Hummus or chickpea cream

I assure you that this recipe is a delicious dish available to everyone, cheap, simple… everything in the blender and that’s it. At home it is a dish that we cook at any time of the year, in summer and winter. It is timeless and looks great on any date.

Mexican guacamole

Easy Mexican Guacamole

Everyone agrees on the basic ingredients to use: tomato, onion, serrano pepper, cilantro, lemon and avocado, the truth is that when a dish is simple and has four things there is no need to add more and more ingredients, because it loses its true flavor.



It is a hearty, economical and very nutritious recipe, which can be served as a first course or as the only one depending on the accompaniment. I have tried salmorejos of all kinds but I stick with the recipe that I present to you today since it seems the most traditional to me, a Cordoban salmorejo without vinegar (apparently that is how it should be).

chickpea salad with cod

Chickpea salad with vegetables and cod

The result of this mixture is super fresh, full of color and with the vitamins provided by all the vegetables I found in the refrigerator. You can even accompany them with some olives and some cooked potatoes… imagination to the power to make a luxury salad. A super complete salad, I hope you like it and are encouraged by it.

tabbouleh with tuna

Tuna tabbouleh

The incorporation of canned tuna, if it is homemade, better than better, along with cucumber and peppers, makes this totally Mediterranean salad, a complete dish that could perfectly go from being a simple accompaniment to becoming a main dish or even a single dish.

vegan tacos

vegan tacos

Sometimes we run out of ideas to make dinner, that’s why these tacos that are prepared in just 15 minutes, which are healthy and delicious, seemed like the perfect solution for those days when we don’t really feel like cooking, but we want to. Eat well and do not resort to pre-cooked dishes.

onion omelette

Onion omelet

A very simple recipe, with history, memories and flavors of our childhood. Made with humble and quality ingredients. The onion omelet is an option for a healthy dinner, and you can add whatever you have in the fridge: pepper, peas, cauliflower, etc.

Cod omelette recipe

Cod omelette

Who doesn’t like a good omelet? It is rare to find someone who does not adore this very Spanish delicacy. In addition to the typical potato omelette or a stuffed omelette, a multitude of them can be made with the most varied ingredients, and certain fish such as hake or cod also fit here.

Pasta aglio olio e peperoncino

Pasta aglio, olio and peperonchino

There is, in my opinion, no simpler and simpler pasta recipe than this one. Garlic, olive oil and a spicy touch in the form of chilli or peperoncino if we are lucky enough to get it. The union of such elementary ingredients will result in a finger-licking pasta dish.

Noodles or tagliatelle with salmon

Noodles with salmon

A pasta recipe to cook on the weekend or every day, with a super easy sauce and all the properties of oily fish. A luxury dish for children and adults.

Julienne Vegetable Soup

Julienne Vegetable Soup

The vegetables that my grandmother included in the julienne soup used to be those from the garden, in this case I have added some more. Although I recommend this recipe, put the ones you like the most and prepare your favorite vegetable soup, to your liking.

garlic or castilian soups

Garlic soups or Castilian soup

Our grandmothers and mothers already prepared this natural, traditional and comforting dish for us. All they had to do was garlic, bread, paprika, water and a little ham so that we could remain gawking at the fire. Always looking at the casserole to see if they were ready for dinner.

Hake burger

Hake burger

A juicy, soft and very healthy burger, which, on a good bun and accompanied by a little salad, will delight young and old alike.

Grilled monkfish recipe with thyme and rosemary

Grilled monkfish with thyme and rosemary

A delicious recipe ready in 15 minutes. It is perfect for dinner or lunch without complications. If you don’t have monkfish you can replace it with a similar white fish, the result will also be very tasty.

Chicken tenderloins with soy sauce

Chicken with soy sauce

One of the recipes that has been most successful at the dinner we have with friends on the 2nd Saturday of the month is  chicken with an exotic touch that soy sauce gives it . The idea in this recipe is to mix salty and sweet flavors to obtain an always different fusion.

Steak sandwich

Beef sandwich

As always, part of the secret to success is in the quality of the ingredients. A delicious bread, a perfectly cooked beef steak and the caramelized onion of which I am an unconditional fan, will make any sandwich become THE SNACK.

breaded fillets

Crispy breaded fillets

The traditional steaks but with a crispy touch that I’m sure you’ll love. It is simply a matter of adding a handful of corn cereals, the classic ones we eat for breakfast, to the breadcrumbs that we will use for the breading. The rest of the process will be the same as always and the result is great, crunchy and tasty, I recommend it.

Star tip: Make a pantry when you have more time

With a little planning it is possible to have the necessary ingredients in the kitchen that allow you to cook with minimal effort and without going shopping when you are full of stress:

  • Frozen broth or broth cartons: they are the key difference between making a comforting pasta soup in just 10 minutes or taking an entire hour.
  • Jars of cooked legumes: chickpeas, lentils, beans… with them you can prepare hummus, a legume salad, sautéed chickpeas, etc. in just a few minutes.
  • Cans of peas and mushrooms (or frozen): you can use them in stir-fries, omelettes or as a garnish. In an instant they will give you access to a complete dish.
  • Pasta and couscous: soup noodles that cook in a flash, spaghetti, macaroni, couscous, etc. can be combined with a thousand ingredients to have a complete dish.
  • Frozen Steaks (beef or chicken) and fish: Having a few individually wrapped and frozen chicken, pork, beef, and fish steaks can make up a meal. You just have to defrost them in the microwave, put them in the pan and add a good dressing .
  • Frozen stir-fry: When you have to make a stir-fry, make extra and freeze. It is the base of almost any dish but it takes between 20 and 30 minutes to make. If you have frozen sofrito in cubes you will save all this time and have a delicious meal.

If you plan to have these foods in your pantry, you will be grateful the next time you can’t even afford to go to the supermarket.

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